# Prompt user to enter the name of the machine
$vmName = Read-Host “Enter the name of the virtual machine”
# Create a new folder for the VM in D:\MyVMs
$vmFolderPath = “D:\MyVMs\$vmName“ # D:\MyVMs\ – This Folder should already exist
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $vmFolderPath | Out-Null
# Prompt user to choose Generation 1 or 2
$generation = Read-Host “Choose the generation (1 or 2) for the virtual machine”
# Prompt user to choose the number of virtual processors
$numProcessors = Read-Host “Enter the number of virtual processors”
# Prompt user to enter the size of the VHD in GB
$vhdSize = Read-Host “Enter the size of the VHD in GB (Example 10)”
# Prompt user to choose the storage type (Dynamic or Fixed)
$storageTypeChoice = Read-Host “Choose the storage type for the VHD:
1. Dynamic
2. Fixed”
# Validate the storage type choice
while ($storageTypeChoice -ne “1” -and $storageTypeChoice -ne “2”) {
Write-Host “Invalid choice. Please select 1 for Dynamic or 2 for Fixed.”
$storageTypeChoice = Read-Host “Choose the storage type for the VHD:
1. Dynamic
2. Fixed”
# Convert the storage type choice to a boolean value
$isDynamic = ($storageTypeChoice -eq “1”)
# Set the path for the VHD based on the VM’s folder path
$vhdPath = Join-Path -Path $vmFolderPath -ChildPath “$vmName.vhdx”
# Prompt user to choose RAM Memory in MB and select dynamic option
$ramMemory = Read-Host “Enter the RAM memory in MB”
$ramDynamic = Read-Host “Do you want the RAM to be dynamic? (Y/N)”
# Prompt user to choose whether Secure Boot should be enabled
$secureBootEnabled = Read-Host “Enable Secure Boot? (Y/N)”
# Convert the VHD size to bytes as Int64
$vhdSizeBytes = [Int64]$vhdSize * 1GB
# Convert the input to lowercase for comparison
$secureBootEnabled = $secureBootEnabled.ToLower()
# Prompt user to enter the number of switches to connect
$numSwitches = Read-Host “Enter the number of switches to connect”
# List all available switches in Hyper-V
$availableSwitches = Get-VMSwitch | Select-Object -Property Name
# Array to store the selected switches
$selectedSwitches = @()
# Prompt user to select the switches
for ($i = 1; $i -le $numSwitches; $i++) {
Write-Host “Available switches:”
$availableSwitches | ForEach-Object -Begin { $counter = 1 } {
Write-Host “$counter. $($_.Name)“
$choice = Read-Host “Select switch $i“
$selectedSwitch = $availableSwitches[[int]$choice – 1].Name
$selectedSwitches += $selectedSwitch
# Create the VM with the specified configuration
New-VM -Name $vmName -Path $vmFolderPath -Generation $generation | Out-Null
# Set the number of virtual processors for the VM
Set-VMProcessor -VMName $vmName -Count $numProcessors
# Create the VHD with the specified size and storage type
if ($isDynamic) {
New-VHD -Path $vhdPath -SizeBytes $vhdSizeBytes -Dynamic | Out-Null
} else {
New-VHD -Path $vhdPath -SizeBytes $vhdSizeBytes -Fixed | Out-Null
# Add the virtual hard disk drive to the VM
Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $vmName -Path $vhdPath | Out-Null
# Set the RAM memory for the VM
$ramMemoryBytes = [int]$ramMemory * 1MB
Set-VMMemory -VMName $vmName -DynamicMemoryEnabled ($ramDynamic -eq “Y”) -StartupBytes $ramMemoryBytes
# Connect the VM to the selected switches
foreach ($switch in $selectedSwitches) {
Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $vmName -SwitchName $switch
# Enable or disable Secure Boot based on user’s selection
if ($secureBootEnabled -eq “Y” -or $secureBootEnabled -eq “y”) {
Set-VMFirmware -VMName $vmName -EnableSecureBoot On
else {
Set-VMFirmware -VMName $vmName -EnableSecureBoot Off
# List all images in D:\myISO
$isoFolder = “D:\myISO” # You need to have .iso Images already stored in this folder
$isoFiles = Get-ChildItem $isoFolder | Select-Object -Property Name
# Prompt user to choose an ISO file
Write-Host “Available ISO files:”
$isoFiles | ForEach-Object -Begin { $counter = 1 } {
Write-Host “$counter. $($_.Name)“
$choice = Read-Host “Enter the number of the ISO file”
$selectedISO = $isoFiles[[int]$choice – 1].Name
# Set the path for the VHD based on the VM’s folder path
$vhdPath = Join-Path -Path $vmFolderPath -ChildPath “$vmName.vhdx”
# Create a virtual DVD drive for the VM
Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $vmName
# Configure the bootable image for the VM
Set-VMDvdDrive -VMName $vmName -Path “$isoFolder\$selectedISO“
# Get the DVD drive object
$dvdDrive = Get-VMDvdDrive -VMName $vmName
# Set the boot order to prioritize the DVD Drive
$bootOrder = @($dvdDrive.Id.ToString())
Set-VMFirmware -VMName $vmName -FirstBootDevice $dvdDrive #-BootOrder $bootOrder
# Add Checkmark
$symbols = [PSCustomObject] @{CHECKMARK = ([char]8730)
Write-host “`n“
Write-host ” ————————————————–“
Write-Host ” Virtual machine ‘$vmName‘ created successfully. $($symbols.CHECKMARK)“
Write-host ” ————————————————–“
Write-host “`n“